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I'm so excited to be a part of "The best school in Montgomery County" and teaching Google Workspace & Keyboarding (GWK) to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Eagles. I look forward to getting to know my students each quarter and helping them to become productive citizens with experience in 21st century technology skills. This a new class to NEMS so students can be better stewards of their CMCSS laptop by gaining better online productivity, collaboration and keyboarding skills. I like to make learning relevant and fun by having students tie in real world situations with their learning. I enjoy singing in my church choir, going on mission trips, playing games, and meeting new people. Please feel free to contact me about any questions, concerns, or ideas you have this school year. My phone extension is #2604.
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During Google Workspace & Keyboarding (GWK) EAGLES will 

Stand with INTEGRITY,

Own our GROWTH, be

ACCOUNTABLE & Responsible as well as

Represent QUALITY

Classroom Books